Sunday, January 11, 2009

PDS video

Finally it's uploaded. Apologies for shaky hands. My wrists aren't very strong as mentioned.

CCA Orientation Day Pics

Here's one group pic.

Too many to upload, and it's so slow at blogspot. So I'll be uploading all on facebook. Go search under 'miister ng'. Either you register, or you just get your friends to save the photos for you. It's easier to upload pics there 'cos I can do it at one shot. Hope you understand.

If you already have a FB account, here's the album link:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Combined drill with NPCC

This is the video of the combined drill between some NCC and NPCC cadets. I'm trying to upload the PDS video but youtube keeps 'hanging' on me!

Wasn't it an exciting day? Model aeroplanes flying around, PDS etc. Let's hope sec ones sign up! Those of you who know them, feel free to tell them more about our CCA, but don't appear to be too 'forceful' of course. Everyone, please watch your own behaviour whether you are in uniform or not.

Have a nice weekend. =)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Friday, January 2, 2009

Awesome start to 2009

Hi guys.
Just a quick note, to REPEAT what I briefly mentioned earlier.

Today is the dawn of a new beginning.

New rifles: Wow, they look really good. It's a bit lighter of course, but it will be good practice for your arms drill. Arms drill is all about confidence and timing. Hopefully I'll get the chance to coach you guys on this. With these weapons we can also do some more fun stuff like leopard crawling with weapons; section firing and formation if you all are interested as well. Er, we can also do the tortuous RIFLE PT. If you are really really interested please let me know and I'll go conduct haha!

New officers:
Now we have 4 officers totally committed to NCC. Are you a committed cadet? We have lined up many things this year. You saw us seated in the canteen talking for a long time. We're all very excited about what we can do.

What's next?
We need to recruit at least 30 NCC Part A cadets, and of course the next step will be to retain them, and from this year onwards, Regent NCC will be a bigger force to be reckoned with!

Be proud to be a Regenite.
Be proud to be a NCC cadet.
Be proud to be a Regenite NCC cadet.

We need you guys to continue to be filled with high spirits and enthusiasm to usher in the new cadets.

Wanted to take photos of you guys doing drill. Well, there's always another time!

Oh, and please please take care of the rifles. Don't take them for granted!

Enjoy your weekend.